ARIADNE Hess is a sole proprietorship.
Miriam Hess conducts the business and cooperates with different partners: foundations, companies, schools and organizations are included. Miriam was a teacher in public school and worked mainly with children with special needs and German as a second language. After having her master degree in social and educational science, she established her company ARIADNE which offers counseling for adult learners, students and school children. Here she has specialized in the field of learning skills, relaxation techniques and motivation. Mainly parents from primary school children attend those training sessions. ARIADNE Hess commits itself also in social projects which help the integration of children with migration background. Miriam has a wide experience in mentoring and is running a program for children from underpriviled families (e.g. children with unemployed parents, divorced parents or with migrant background) who are guided from senior citizens, volunteers or students from the University of Applied Sciences in Social Work in Lucerne or Teacher Training. (Please contact the website for further information:
Menzingen, Switzerland
Staldenweg 1, CH 6313
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